Preparing For the NJ Wedding Planner
Hiring a New Jersey wedding planner is a smart move, but before Michelle Perez and her staff can help you plan and create the event of your dreams they first need to know exactly what you want. Not what you think you would want, or what you imagine your mother-in-law would prefer, but what you actually would like for your wedding. From colors to food, you will have a lot of decisions to make and it’s easier to make some of them if you have thought about your likes and dislikes ahead of time.
When you are ready to start your wedding planning, an excellent initial step is to sit down and write everything about your wedding that is on your mind. Get a large piece of paper and start writing everything that comes to mind in any order. A list might read something like, “NO asparagus, slim line dress, church like the one in England, stuffed mushrooms, chocolate, wine bar, disco dancing…” etc. The point is not to organize your thoughts yet or start in on the job of the wedding planner. You will want to get as many thoughts related to your wedding out of your head and onto paper as soon as possible.
Once you are done getting all of the wedding details that you have been thinking about on your mind and on paper it is time to organize them. Get a fresh piece of paper and write the following across the top: Dress, Flowers, Ceremony, Reception, Food, Guests, Invitations, Transportation, Entertainment, and Miscellaneous. Write each item from your original list under the header that it pertains to. For example, “stuffed mushrooms” would go under reception, “church like the one in England” would go under ceremony.
Once you are clear about what you would like and not like in your wedding, share the information with your partner. When both of you are aware of each other’s preferences and hopes, the planning process becomes much easier. Bring this information to your first visit with your NJ wedding planner so that your thoughts will be clear and focuysed and a lot of your basic decisions will already be made. This will free you up for the fun part of planning which is meeting new people and learning how they can add their skill and creativity to your wedding.